Monday, February 9, 2015

The Beauty Of Building Farm Tables

These Farm Tables We Are Going To Look At Are A Little On The Rustic Side

That’s a good thing because it means any do it yourselfer could duplicate these results and build a gorgeous  table of your own.

The under side of this first table is painted, so you could sort through the pile at the lumber yard and get some good common framing type material.

I would suggest you keep it inside for a month or more to make sure it is dry and that it doesn’t decide to twist or warp. You might want to get a couple of extra boards just in case.

The top doesn’t have to be hardwood. Pine or maybe even spruce could be used. It all depends on your budget.


Check out this rustic design.  – Click Here –

You can build a rustic farm table

The Beauty Of Building Farm Tables

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