Monday, April 6, 2015

Are The Bugs Bugging You?

Here Is A Bug Repellent Solution Many People Use.

Mosquitoes, they sure can make life unpleasant when you want to enjoy your back yard.

Citronella oil is a plant based insect repellent that has been found to be very good at keeping those pesky mosquitoes away.

This article is all about making your own DIY citronella candles using mason jars. If you have other attractive containers with metal caps they would work just as well.

Here is what you need for this project.


Mason jar (or any glass jar) with lid and ring

Citronella torch fuel

1/8″ lamp wicks

Nail punch, Phillips head screwdriver or a nail


citroella materials

Image Source

These torches ar real easy to make. Just punch a hole in the lid that the wick will fit through.

Thread the wick up through the hole in the lid ( a little tape around the wick end will make it easier to get in through the hole).

Now pour the citronella torch fuel into the jar, put the wick in the fuel and screw the lid on.

Wait a little while for the oil to soak up the wick and it will to ready to light.

citronella jars

Image Source

For more images and more details go over to the source article.

Are The Bugs Bugging You?

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