Sunday, April 26, 2015

These Wind Spinners Are Absolutely Mesmerizing

There Is Something About These Archimedes Screw Type Spinners That Catches Your Eye And Imagination

Have you watched these marvels spin? Your eye follows the edge of the spiral down or up and immediately goes back to the start to follow it again. It’s very soothing, very natural.

Got a couple of videos for you here, the first one will show you how to build these wonders and in the second video you can watch them spin.


The second video is on the second page – watch them spin.


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Watch These Wonders Spin!

Whether you paint yours or leave them natural , like in this video, your wooden spinner will be attractive either way.

This video is an advertisement so just turn off the sound and watch them spin.

These Wind Spinners Are Absolutely Mesmerizing

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