Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Clone Your Plants - It"s Way Faster Than Seed

Aerophonics The Fastest Simplest Way To Grow Plants Inside

Did you know NASA has been testing this type of system in space?

This is another form of gardening where the plants are not grown in soil.

Instead the plants are suspended and nutrient water is sprayed on the roots.

This has proven to be a very effective way to clone plants as well. Cloning your plants gives you a big time advantage over growing from seed, making aerophonics a very efficient growing system.

Build your own DIY aerophonics system – all the details are in this video.


Check out this aerophonics greenhouse

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Commercial Aerophonics

Aerophonics can be easily used on a commercial level. Growing plants in a shorter time period and using less space than other types of gardening.

The other thing about aerophonics in that it is also less labor intensive making more prefits for the growers.

Watch this video To discover more.


But What About Doing Aerophonics In A Backyard in Wisconsin – Year Round!

You Gotta See This Video

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Follow The History Of This Backyard Greenhouse

They started off with a traditional soil method.

But Whoa when they discovered aerophonics their venture really took off.

Watch the video and discover how you too can have year round fresh produce.


Clone Your Plants - It"s Way Faster Than Seed

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