Wednesday, August 13, 2014

6 Magical Mantras For Achieving Your Wildest Dreams

Your Mind Believes What It Is Told

Tell it something over and over and it will begin believing it and little thing by little action it will turn that belief into reality.

So the question is – What are you going to tell yourself?

And that is why mantras work.

Self Talk To Belief To Reality


6 Mantras By Isabeau Miller:

So many of us set out to change the world, and find yourself roadblocked at the corner of “impossible” and “never been done before.” We allow input from society, our family, our peers and the media to dictate what is or isn’t achievable and what our limitations are.

It’s easy to forget, but our world has been built by people who refused to acknowledge the impossible, who pushed past societal standards and created once-unimaginable systems, infrastructures, necessities and conveniences that never would have existed had they not tried something “crazy,” inconvenient or challenging.

Here are some mantras that help me, and my clients, work through barriers and find happiness, success and love that once seemed unattainable:

1. I can do anything exactly as I am.

For years, my “if only” was hinged on my weight. I believed until I was 130 pounds and a size 4, I just couldn’t have my dream job, be in a fulfilling relationship or truly love myself. My own beliefs about what I didn’t deserve because of my weight became a crutch and an excuse I used every time I failed, was rejected or didn’t get what I wanted — even when it had NOTHING to do with my weight.

I ultimately decided my weight only had power over me and my life because I allowed it to. I started telling myself every day that I could do anything exactly as I was, at that moment. Your weight, your income, your past choices, your level of experience are not the things holding you back; your insecurities about them are. You can do anything exactly as you are.

2. I’m allowed to want what I want.

Just because what you want might be different from what you think the world wants for you, doesn’t discount the value or your own ambitions or the possibility that they’re actually achievable. Want what you want, and work your butt off for it. Otherwise, you’ll spend the rest of your life working your butt off for what someone else wants.

3. My actions are based on purpose and happiness.

I’ve worked at soul-sucking jobs because of the benefits and salary. I’ve been in relationships because someone else said it fit me really well. I’ve done workouts a magazine swore would reduce my cellulite by 300%. And not shockingly, none of these things have brought me closer to my purpose, or filled me with happiness.

Live your life based on who you are, and what brings you joy. Focus on moving toward those every day, and success will not only follow, but it will be redefined by how lit up you feel and how impactful you are, rather than how much stuff you accumulate and how big your bank account is.

4. Life is easy.

I sat at the dinner table with some extended family not too long ago, and one of my family members said something that made me cringe: “Life is hard.”  *** Read More ***


Can’t remember what to tell yourself? Well print out this image on some card stock and carry it with you. Every time you get some down time pull it out and read it to yourself, out loud if possible.

Success Is Inevitable

This is just to get you started.

On the back of this card you print out write your own mantras based on your goals.

May you achieve Your Dreams

6 Magical Mantras For Achieving Your Wildest Dreams

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