Monday, August 4, 2014

Believe In Yourself Even If No Ono Else Does - Here"s How

Here Is A Wonderful Example Of Belief

Growing up, no one predicted Hillary Biscay would someday become a world-class athlete. As a competitive swimmer, she competed for 10 years at the local level, way behind most of her peers. But this late-bloomer found a way to keep showing up and training hard, even when her choices didn’t make sense to anyone else.

Today she is a triathlon champion who has finished more than 60 Ironmans, making her one of the most prolific leaders in her sport. In this talk, Hillary explains the mindset that has helped her reach her goals and the mental tricks she still uses to keep crossing the finish line.



What Challenges Can You Push Through With A Little Belief?


Believe In Yourself Even If No Ono Else Does - Here"s How

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