Sunday, March 29, 2015

Amazing Carved Wooden Vases Ron Layport Makes

Most Of The Good Items At Gift Shops Are Great But Nothing As Detailed As These Vases

It all start by turning the vase on a lathe. But that’s just the beginning for Ron Layport.

He carves them, pierces them, sands them and polishes them. Keeps working on them till he as perfected one of his many animal oc nature motifs.

Dragon Fly Vase

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See Another Vase on Pg 2

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This Beautiful Vase Depicts A Ram

Ram Vase

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See the next gorgeous vase

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Birds In The Thicket

Birds In The Thicket

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And one more on Pg 4

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Here Is His Pierced Dragonfly Vase

Dragon Flies

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For more commentary and more images go to the original post


Amazing Carved Wooden Vases Ron Layport Makes

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