Friday, March 27, 2015

Before They Had Canons Trebuchets Won The Battle

Building Model Trebuchets Is A Fun Project Kids Love To Do

A trebuchet is capable of throwing huge weight a long distance. Castle walls didn’t stand much of a chance if the attackers were allowed to get these machines in operation.

Today these machines are great to model and play with.

Building Model Trebuchets

First up is a school class project and the we’ll see some big kid’s toys.


It’s amazing to see  the accuracy they can get. Watch the video on the next page.

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Here’s one of those big kids toys.

After just a few tries they manage to hit the target dead center.

I never would have thought that these machines were capable of such accuracy.

No wonder if your castle was under siege, one of these machines would determine the  outcome.

Take a look at this big kid toy.


On the next page you’ll see a really big one in action.

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Now this is quite a machine.

Who would have guessed the origins of the hamster wheel.

I never would have thought that those wheels would be capable of getting the leverage to pull the arm in place, someone was pretty ingenious.

The largest siege engine in the world at 22 tons have a look.





Before They Had Canons Trebuchets Won The Battle

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