Sunday, September 21, 2014

12 Steps To Social Media Mastery

It Can Be Difficult To Build A Social Media Presence

Here’s the thing: We all know that providing value to our customers and prospects is the thing to do.

We also know that in this internet age social media is one of the most effective ways to provide that value to the largest number of people.

The trouble is how do you get good at doing social media without spending a lot of time learning how to do it effectively?

In this presentation by Rebeka Radice you’ll learn her 12 steps to becoming a social media master:

Social Media Mastery

12 Steps to Master Social Media



So lets get started, Rebeca’s got some must do steps here to get you up and running on your way to becoming that social media master we all wish we were.

Social Media Mastery

  1. Choose Your Channel

Facebook, Google Plus, and other social networks allow you to interact with potential clients. You can also find your next job, shop, sell, buy, auction and exchange just about anything you can think of.

No matter your reason for using social media, make sure you choose your main networks wisely.

Choose one or two social networks that allow for the greatest exposure and then use them daily. We all know time is money. There’s no sense in starting something if you’re not going to consistently stick around.

  2. Define Your Target Market

Do you know who your target audience is? Have you identified your specific area of expertise?

Don’t try to cater to everyone by being all things to all people. If you want to reach the right audience, your content should be hyper-specific. Write your posts and speak directly to their wants, needs and desires.

  3. Share Appealing Content

Sharing content in an appealing way is tougher than it seems. How often have you stumbled on a post or tweet that left you shaking your head at an opportunity lost?

Share interesting, relevant and insightful content and share it often. This is the single best way to establish your expertise and credibility.

You have knowledge others need. Give it away freely!

  4. Listen and Respond

While social media is an excellent communication tool, it is also a very beneficial listening tool.

As you listen to your customers, take time to truly hear what their needs, wants and desires are. Then work to fulfill those needs with your content, time, compassion and genuine feedback.

  5. Establish Your Genuine Voice

People want to get to know the real you. Social media gives you the opportunity to share your authentic voice, no matter the format.

Discover more about your genuine voice and the rest of the tips on Rebeka’s blog

12 Steps To Social Media Mastery

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