Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Quality Control Is Essential For Your Blog Posts

So You’ve Written That Perfect Blog Post – Are You Really Ready To Publish It?

There are a few things to look out for first.

This article may help:


Image by geminicollisionworks

Today I want to talk about Quality Control – one of the last tasks that I recommend before hitting publish on your blog posts.

Having put so much time and effort into getting the content of your post into tiptop shape it can be tempting to put your post ‘out there’ for readers to engage with as soon as possible.

However, taking just few extra minutes to check for ‘errors’ can take a post to the next level.

This is an area that I admit I need to improve.

On a daily basis I find spelling and grammatical errors on my posts and embarrassingly, so do my readers.

I put it down to excitement and wanting to get posts out quickly – but if I’m honest with myself I’m sure it’s also partly laziness.

While some of your readers will gloss over these kinds of errors and won’t let it impact how they engage with the content – some will not be so forgiving and will be distracted by your mistakes.

Every spelling error that you correct and every awkward sentence structure that you improve removes a barrier to readers engaging with your content.

The solutions are simple (yet a struggle for so many of us):

  • Take your time in writing posts

  • Take time to look at spell check in your writing tool of choice.

  • Reread your posts to see how they flow (sometimes reading them out loud will help).

  • Have someone else look your posts over (I know of at least two bloggers who do this for one another – they have logins to each other’s blogs and edit the post that the other one writes on a daily basis).

  • Test to see if links in your posts work.

Source Article

Pay attention to the details.

Quality Control Is Essential For Your Blog Posts

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