Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pinterest - Should You Pin The Same Image To Multiple Boards?

A Question Of Pinterest Etiquette Which Is Important To Your Business

If Pinterest is part of your business marketing plan, here’s a simple article that answers a simple question you may also have:

What is the proper etiquette if you want to pin an image to multiple Pinterest boards? And, is it spammy to do so?

Alisa Meredith provides an excellent answer and tips!
Pinterest FAQ

Your pin is good. Really good. It is an amazing image with keyword-rich description and linked to an out-of this-world blog post. The whole world needs to see it.

But, which board should you pin it to? The one with the most followers? The group board? The one with the right subject matter? Is it considered spammy to pin it to many boards?

Pin it to Your Blog Board

If you have a blog (and you do, right?) you need to have a board that houses all your great content. Only your great content. This is a quick and easy way for people to see what content your business writes and what you’re all about. You may find it’s your most popular board!

Every blog post you publish to your own blog needs to go here. First. So you don’t forget. Do it now. :)

Pin it to Your Most Popular Board – Maybe

If your blog board isn’t your most popular, find out which is. I use ViralTag for scheduling, analytics and for getting information like that. It’s a little cumbersome to use, but the price is right!

If your pin relates at all to the subject of your most popular board, pin it there. Give it the best chance to be seen by your followers. If it doesn’t relate at all, find it another home.

Pin it to Related Boards

If your blog post is about, let’s say, which type of cookware is best for making omelets, you might pin to your cookware board, your omelet board and your cooking board. (Now I want an omelet). Not all of your fans follow all of your boards, and you don’t want the guy following only your cooking board to miss out because you only put it on cookware, do you?

Pin it to Group Boards

Group boards area incredibly powerful for getting large numbers of repins, likes and clicks back to your site. So, pin it there, too! This gives your pin greater exposure as not just your own followers will see it.

What About Appearing Spammy?

Read more and get all the details at the original article

Pinterest - Should You Pin The Same Image To Multiple Boards?

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