Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Successful People Know That Failure Is A Stepping Stone To Success

Are Successful People blessed With An Easy Life?

That’s a common misconception.

The truth for most is that they fail over and over again till they learn their lessons. They never quit.

Now here is the key point Successful people treat failure differently then most other people do.

In this article by Saren Stiegel you’ll discover the techniques successful people use:

Time For Success

1. They don’t blame anyone; instead they get curious about the facts.

By taking responsibility for all setbacks, you become curious about what worked and what did not. Not sure how to take responsibility? Start with the facts. The fact is that there was a failure: you didn’t get the job, you didn’t make the sale, the relationship didn’t work out, and so on. Those are facts. Anything beyond that is an interpretation, a meaning you’re giving to the situation.

Successful people drop the interpretation, all blame (outward and inward), and instead reflect on what’s true and what’s up for interpretation. This gives you the power to recreate the interpretation.

I’m not saying that the failure IS your fault and you need to shame yourself. I’m saying that when you investigate your actions and reactions, you take back your power and then you can you learn and grow.

Some questions to ask yourself:

  • What did I miss?

  • How could I have done better?

  • Who has had successful results in this realm and can see my blind spots?

2. They don’t get stuck in the past or the future; they act now.

I invite you to consider how much time you spend thinking about the future versus the past.

  • Do you have buyers’ remorse?

  • Do you wallow in regret?

  • Do you get indecisive and change your mind often?

Successful people take action fast. They move quickly and decisively, learning from mistakes, while moving forward. Instead of waiting until they’re ready or lamenting not getting enough training, successful people just keep growing. They take classes, read books, ask questions.

Release thoughts of the past being different. It’s over. You can’t change it. Remind yourself: That was just another experience that can contribute to reaching my goals right now.

3. They use failure as a call to action.

Why can’t we be kind to ourselves and create a life that’s radically successful? Why is it that you can feel a tremendous amount of frustration with fear, but still not take different actions? Likely, you haven’t experienced enough pain.

Get the rest of the details back on Seren’s blog post



Successful People Know That Failure Is A Stepping Stone To Success

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