Sunday, January 18, 2015

Building Mental Toughness To Meet Your Goals

Did You Know The Study Of and Implementation Of Mental Toughness Can Bring Vast Improvements To Your Life?

My favorite mental toughness coach Steve Siebold sent out this quote recently:

“The person earning a modest income is only a sliver of awareness away from earning an outrageous income.”

Only A Sliver Of Awareness Away


In this short video Amy talks about how emotional control is one of the hallmarks of the mentally strong, says Amy Morin, author of ’13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do.’ and why reining in irrational impulses at work can help you reach your goals and be more productive.

“We know that our mental strength influences our behavior,” she says. “When you’re feeling mentally strong, you’ll keep moving toward your goals, even on the days when you don’t feel like it. You’ll be able to keep your emotions in check so that you don’t make those irrational decisions.”


Building Mental Toughness To Meet Your Goals

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