Sunday, January 18, 2015

Use Pinterest To Drive Your Conversions

Pinterest has some crazy stats

Did you know that Pinterest users pin more than 3400 pins per minuet?

And according to Shopify research Pinterest users are 10% more likely to buy from Pinterest than from other social media sites.

Also Pinterest gets 300% more revenue per click than Twitter and 27% more than Facebook.

This spells opportunity for marketers on Pinterest.

This article gives you 5 ideas to drive those conversions on Pinterest:

pinterest piece of cake

Image by Roxanne Ready via Flickr.

1. Delight followers and promote campaigns with contests

When C. Wonder, a luxury retail store for women, wanted to promote a new product line, they created a Mother’s Day contest to create awareness and drive conversions.

The terms of the contest were simple: participants were asked to pin their favorite C. Wonder monogrammed products to their boards along with their email address.

The contest gained momentum because it leveraged the power of user-generated content and social proof: participants’ submissions were shared with their followers and helped spread the word.

This snowballing effect brought C. Wonder impressive, measurable results from their Pinterest contest: In addition to a 23% increase in repins, pinning activity doubled and they saw a 44% increase in revenue per click.

C. Wonder isn’t the only retailer to get a conversion lift from a Pinterest contest. Contests like this have helped bring cosmetic company Beauty Bridge more traffic, more engagement and more conversions; they now describe Pinterest as their “number one revenue-generating social channel.”

Apply this to your own marketing campaigns

If you’re ready to launch your own Pinterest contest to drive conversions,DIYThemes has some great tips for success, including:

  • Set campaign goals for your contest, whether it’s getting more followers, leads, brand awareness or conversions. Focus on one primary goal to avoid making the terms of your contest too complicated.

  • Decide on the terms and rules of your contest and ensure that they’re aligned with your campaign goals.

  • Provide an awesome incentive by putting an irresistible, high-value prize up for grabs.

  • Use multiple channels to promote your Pinterest contest. Whether on other social media networks, through paid advertising or through affiliates, the more momentum you can get, the better.

  • Make it as easy as possible to participate by establishing crystal-clear rules and having simple entry guidelines.

  • Measure your results with stats, analytics and spreadsheets. Gauge how effective your contest was at achieving your marketing goals, then optimize, rinse and repeat.

2. Leverage user-generated content for powerful social proof

Like Beauty Bridge and C. Wonder, more and more companies are leveraging user-generated content (UGC) in their social media campaigns. UCG allows customers to share what they love about your brand, and is a great way to provide social proof, which is widely known to influence conversions.

Urban Outfitters has used this trend to become one of the fastest growing retail brands on Pinterest.

One of their Pinterest boards gathers photos of people wearing their brand from around the web, while they encourage other users to post pictures of themselves wearing UO clothes.

Then they showcase the user-submitted pictures on their site with a call to action to “shop it,” allowing people to purchase the items with only a few clicks.

The stats they report show that 20% of users click that “shop it” button.

Apply this to your own marketing campaigns

If you want to spread the word about your next marketing campaign, user-generated content can help you acquire new leads and create buzz. This article by Jason Boies has some great suggestions to get you started:

  • Encourage fans to upload photos of your product or service.

  • Ask for video testimonials and reward the best.

  • Give top pinners access to your board.

Whatever you do, make it fun. Ask yourself, “Would I be willing to share this on my personal account?”


3. Collaborate with influencers in your space to help generate buzz

Get the next 3 techniques on the original article.

Use Pinterest To Drive Your Conversions

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