Sunday, January 18, 2015

How To Write An Amazing Classified Ad

Do You Want To Know The Four Steps To Great Ads?

You see classified ads everywhere, in your local papers, on Kijiji or Craig’s list, and everywhere on the internet.

That’s the main clue that they work.

To make them work for you you have to know the basics on how to write them.

So in this article Charlie gives you the 4 steps he uses to write all his successful ads:

Great Classified Ads

The reason you see so many classified ads in ezines, on web sites and other places is simple.

They work! (And they are cheap too!) :-)

But are they working for you?

Writing classified ads is actually easy once you know how. And today I’m going to share the formula I use for writing great classified ads so that you too can crank out profit pulling ads anytime you like!

Classified advertising is one of the most cost effective forms of advertising on the Internet today. They may seem very simple on the surface, but to get a great ad you need to put some thought into how the ad flows.

Like many things, what appears simple on the surface is actually carefully orchestrated to make a specific impact.

Happily, you can learn to write great classified ads in the next 10 minutes!

If you want to add power to your classified ads, consider following my four-step process.

First it is important to understand that there are three parts to these tiny little ads.

Each part works in harmony with the others to create an overall effect that causes the reader to do what you want them to do … click on your ad and visit the site you are promoting!

The three parts of a great classified ad are:

  1. The Headline

  2. The Body

  3. The Call to Action

It is very important to understand that each part has one purpose and one purpose only.

When you think of ads in this way it becomes easier to create them because you will be using a “building block” approach.

Here’s what you need to know.

  • The purpose of the headline is to sell the ad.

  • The purpose of the body copy is to set up the call to action.

  • The purpose of the call to action is to sell the click.

I will explain what I mean in further detail below. If you keep this in mind as you write you will see how easy it becomes to cause readers to take the action you want.

The Headline

The headline’s job is to sell the ad. When I say “sell the ad” what I mean is that the headline convinces the reader that you have something to say – that they should continue reading the rest of the ad.

Because of this there is one cardinal rule when writing any ad copy.

Your headline must grab attention! 

Period. End of story.

Some people use sensational headlines with no relationship to their offer to grab attention. That approach may work in the short term, but damages your integrity in the long run. Honesty is always the best policy.

The last thing you want is disappointment when someone arrives at your website. So my advice is to avoid the temptation to hype up the headline thinking that will help. It will often hurt, not help.

Here are a few tips for writing headlines…

  • Begin with an action word

  • Create curiosity

  • Ask a question

  • Make a startling statement

  • Ask for the reader’s opinion

There are many ways to craft a winning headline. I hope these help you get going.

Last tip: when writing headlines, always remember that people care about exactly one thing; what’s in it for me?

The Body Copy

Head on over to Charlie’s original article to get the rest of these great tips.

And always follow the #1 rule in copy writing or ad writing — Test Everything

How To Write An Amazing Classified Ad

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