Sunday, January 18, 2015

Low Advertising Budget? - Then Get Traffic The Free Way

Well It’s Not Really Free, It Takes Time

In this article Charlie goes through the 5 methods he used when starting out to get traffic.

And guess what – they still work today.

Today I would put more emphasis on your blog and providing valuable content. Learn to curate other peoples content the proper way as well. You will soon be seen as an expert.

low budget advertising

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Here are the other things you can do:

Most of these methods take effort, and lots of it. But if you use them consistently I believe you will build multiple streams of highly-targeted traffic.

And that really is the key. Not one large flow that could stop but many smaller flows that can’t be stopped and add up to one large stream of visitors.

What I share next comes from experience. I use all these methods, not just teach them.

1. Social media

Social media is free to use but can be time consuming. You can get on Twitter and Facebook or LinkedIn. But none of that will do you much good unless you have something valuable to say.

Happily, you don’t have to be a writer to have good things to say!

If you have ever been to a movie and then seen a friend and shared a few reasons why you liked  (or didn’t like) the movie then you have what it takes to succeed with social media.

I believe the key with social media is what I call “sharing with a purpose”. None of us is going to be able to compete with Taylor Swift or Ashton Kutcher when it comes to number of followers.

But we can compete when it comes to the quality of what we share. We can compete when it comes to providing value.

One key with social media is to share often and spontaneously. Are you reading a book and found a great idea? Tweet it out or post about it on Facebook. Technology like the Kindle (or Kindle app) actually let you do this with one click!

Another key with social media is to tease readers into joining your list by providing helpful information that leaves them wanting more.

One actionable idea is this – buy a Private Label Rights product that you can give away and create a Facebook page that gives the product free to people who “like” you. This can unleash a viral avalanche and help you build your email mailing list at the same time.

A win-win!

2. Pay-per-click

If you have a limited budget to try and sell things online consider using it for pay-per-click advertising. Why would I say that? Because with pay per click you know you will get traffic or you don’t pay.

One key here is to start with Facebook and not Google. No disrespect to Google but Facebook pay per click often costs less and is much more targeted.

As with all pay per click, you only pay what you want to pay and you should never be in risk of spending more than you want.

One key here is to send the traffic to your own squeeze page.

With PPC traffic you often want to use a longer squeeze page than with strategies like solo ads, but do focus on list building using PPC.

Research your competitors. Do a conservative pay-per-click campaign modeled around what they’re doing.

While you never want to copy their campaign directly, you can and should take a lesson from what they are doing that works well.

If you have a modest budget, pay-per-click is a great place to start. You control your expenses. You can try something for $20 or $30 and see how it works.

3. Forum Participation

Skip over to Charlie’s site to read more

Low Advertising Budget? - Then Get Traffic The Free Way

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