Sunday, January 18, 2015

How To Pick Amazing Stock Images

Your Designs Demand The Best Stock Photos That Can Be Found

Your brand, the quality of your content, your products and your business depend on these images.

With millions of images out there, how do you choose?

So the question is where and how to acquire them.?

In this article Julya details 3 ways to achieve this goal:

It’s important to choose stellar stock photography to accompany your designs.

Five Ways to Pick Stock Photography

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1 Get Ideas Across by Using Images Related To Your Content


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  • When choosing stock photos, it’s best to stick to images that are related to your content.

  • Not all designs are viewed up close and for a long time. Make sure that at first glance your audience has a clear idea on what the design is about.

  • Choose images where the subject is easily identified. Uber close-ups, too many things going on and creative cropping are all very artistic, but make sure your subject is still understood.

2 Get in the Mood by Choosing Similar Styles


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  • Designing is all about conveying ideas to your viewer. An elegant photo compliments sophisticated typefaces and classy elements.

  • Filters can change how approachable your design is. Choose one that suits the mood you’re aiming for. Cool tones (filters that use a lot of blues) more often feel more professional where as warmer tones (filters wiith red and yellow hues) are friendlier.

  • It’s important to know who you’re designing for. Each audience has different tastes so take that into account. The way you would design for a kids party is a different approach to designing for a corporate event.

3 Let Your Text Pop with Some Space

Go to the source to see more fantastic images and tips.


How To Pick Amazing Stock Images

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