Monday, January 5, 2015

How To Wrap Your House In House Wrap

House Wrap Is That Breathable Water Proof Membrane Used To Weather Proof Your Home.

This is the last defense from outside water getting to the wood structure of your home and causing rot.

You have to realize all siding, stucco, brick and stone products do not shed 100% of the water. a small percentage of the water gets through to the house wrap and it is the job of the house wrap to get that water to drain to the outside and cause no damage. When I say that I’m including all the other metal flashings and window wraps that go into making up the house wrap system.

It’s like shingling a roof – all the layers have to lap the right way.

This video shows how to put the main membrane sheet on to the wall. The details work will come on the next pages.


Get the details right aroud the windows and doors –  Click Here -

How to prep window and door openings

How To Wrap Your House In House Wrap

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