Monday, January 12, 2015

Three Steps To Soundproofing A Basement Ceiling

Soundproofing Your Basement Ceiling Is The Best Way To Prevent The Noise And Clatter From Upstairs From Disturbing You

Deadening the sound transfer through the floor above is a three step process.

First you have to seal off any holes using acoustic caulk or fire stop caulking.

The second step is to put sound insulation in the joist spaces. Roxul has the advantage over fiberglass bats here because it is denser and stops more sound. As an added bonus it is also non combustible. This step deadens the airborne sound between the joists.

The third step is the use of resilient channel. This deadens the impact noise traveling directly through the joists.

Watch and see how soundproofing is done.


Three Steps To Soundproofing A Basement Ceiling

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