Tuesday, July 8, 2014

3 Steps To Courage

Courage: It’s the Secret to Getting Everything You Want in Life 

Courage can be the difference from being a wussbag or a warrior and it’s a skill or maybe it’s a mindset that can be learned and developed.

In this article you can discover 3 steps to set you on the path to COURAGE:

Courage - Take Action And Do It

By Preston Ely

When I was in seventh grade, I got beat up by a skinny little girl with an umbrella.

To paint that picture perfectly clear, I’m saying a girl about 3/8 my size took her umbrella and beat the ever-living crap out of me with it. In front of people. It was a Hello Kitty umbrella to add insult to minor injuries. It seemed a little immature to bring a Hello Kitty umbrella to school at that age, but I was in no position to judge.

When I was in junior high, I got beat up by a fifth grader. Bad. I got beat up bad by a fifth grader. Like blood-and-black-eyes bad. I wish this was a joke, but it’s not. It’s history—my personal pathetic history.

All throughout school I did everything I could to avoid fights. I mean, if a skinny little seventh grade girl could do that much damage with a plastic Hello Kitty umbrella, just imagine what a regular boy my own age could do to me with some more normal, heavier inanimate object! Screw that, I laid low. If someone wanted to fight me, I just gave them money. I’m not kidding. I did that a few times.

Now the question you’re asking yourself, which I’d like to answer as quickly as possible so I can get to the part in the story where I learned mixed martial arts and sparred with professional UFC fighters, is this:

“Why were you such a sissy, Preston? I’ve actually never heard of anyone being so much of a sissy as you’ve just described yourself as being.”

Great question. The answer is that my physical impotence was an outward manifestation of my inward lack of courage, the ability to take risks and act in the face of danger either without or in spite of fear. For whatever reason I just didn’t have any.

My lack of courage spilled over into my young adult life and resulted in dysfunctional relationships, financial chaos, emotional instability and a bunch of other stuff that sucks.  And the reason is because it takes courage to be successful in life. I’m tempted to say it’s the root cause of success, but every time I think I’ve figured out the root of success I find something even rootier. Let’s just say it’s one of the core fundamentals.

Eventually I started to work hard to develop this missing attribute. Once I got it solidly in place, everything changed. I now walk with my head high, wallet thick and heart happy. Anyone who pulls that umbrella gimmick on me again will have a serious problem.

Here’s how to go from being wussbag to warrior in 3 easy steps:

1. Figure Out What Happens When You Die

I was at a doctor’s office the other day, and a young intern was asking me questions. I could tell something was wrong.

“Are you OK?” I asked.

“Sure,” he replied. “Just a little nervous about school.”

“Do you have some fears about something?” I queried.

“Of course. Everyone does. Don’t you?”

“No, I don’t. Let me ask you a question. What’s the worst thing that could possibly happen to you on any given day?”

“I could die,” he responded.

“Right. Well, if you know where you’re going when that occurs, and that place happens to be better than this place… then what is there really to fear?”

“Sir, you just made my day,” he said.

“Well, me making your day just made my day. So it’s a great day. Best of luck to you,” I said as he walked out the door with a new look of courage on his face.

Many psychologists believe the fear of death is the number one underlying motive for everything we as humans do. I suggest you get rid of it.

2. Hang Out with Courageous People.

Read More at the Success Blog


Courage is an interesting topic.

Here’s a video I made a while back on having Courage in any situation.



Anyone Can Have Courage!

3 Steps To Courage

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