Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Starting A Home Business This Summer - Consider These 10 Essential Steps

You Can Make Your Entrepreneurial Dreams A Reality

There’s been no better time than now to start a work from home business. There are 10 essential steps you need ta take to start that work from home business. Whether you are trying to make a little money to pay the bills or you are going for your dream lifestyle, you need to put these 10 steps into practice today.

Work From Home Business

1. Decide the Value You Will Offer

Before you start a work from home business, you must decide what type of value you will offer to your paying customers. Will you offer a product or a service, or possibly both? Whatever that offering is, it should be valuable and you should be able to get started selling your products and/or services immediately; that is, if you hope to get your work from home business started sooner rather than later.

2. Identify Your Target Market

Whatever it is you plan to offer when you finally do start a work from home business, make sure there are people out there who would gladly pay for such a product/service. Social media makes this easy. Get on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or any others and start searching for like-minded customers. You may have to search your competitors to see what they’re offering, and how they most appeal to your target audience, to get the best ideas on how to proceed.

3. Packaging, Pricing and Delivery

Whether you’re selling widgets or window washing services, you must identify how you will package and deliver your products and/or services to your buying customers. This is essentially the marketing aspect, which also involves how to go out and find new customers once you actually start a business and get going.

Don’t be afraid to take a page out of your competitors’ marketing guides to copy and use what works. All the major work from home business players copy and tweak to excel online; you might as well do the same.

For example, if you are offering a product, come up with packaging, a pricing system your audience can comfortably afford and start planning the shipping services you will use so that you know which price-points to offer your customers.

If you are offering services, decide how you will communicate with clients, how you will be paid, how much to charge and how to deliver your service to the customer in a way that always has them coming back for more.

4. Decide On Your Customer Service Methods and Policies

Before you start a work from home business, decide how you will put out customer service fires whenever they happen and how you will communicate with customers after they’ve made a purchase; just in case they have any questions or concerns.

For instance, you may decide that, to set yourself apart, you’ll film a Thank You video to each customer after they make a purchase. You will then follow up with every customer within fifteen days with a coupon to help them save money on any follow-up purchases.

The lesson is that, when you start a business, you should always be focused on new customers, but you should never neglect the ones who have already bought from you. Return business is some of the best business there is.

5. Make To-Dos and Routine Schedules

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Starting A Home Business This Summer - Consider These 10 Essential Steps

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