Saturday, July 5, 2014

Here"s 10 Ways To Enhance Charisma

Charismatic Leaders Have Presence And Personality

It’s a key to why people seek the approval of charismatic leaders. They love giving them what they want.

be a servant leader

image source

“Magnetism and influence characterize charismatic leaders.

10 ways to enhance charisma:

  1. Approve of yourself. Charismatic leaders don’t need to be liked and don’t try to please everyone.

  2. Attack an enemy. Charismatic leaders rage against what’s wrong. “This can’t go on!” Fight against waste, injustice, or abuse.

  3. Demonstrate optimism. Powerless leaders spew disapproval without optimism. Anyone can complain. Charismatic leaders articulate compelling vision.

  4. Clarify focus. We are drawn to people who know what they want.

  5. Act with courage.

  6. Show commitment.

  7. Be outgoing. Charismatic leaders mingle.

  8. Affirm others.

  9. Express disapprove. Willingness to disapprove gives power to affirmations. The most charismatic leaders expressed strong disapproval. Think of Jesus, Gandhi, or Martin Luther King Jr.

  10. Believe you will win.

Bonus: Earn and receive the approval of people with power.

8 dangers of charisma:

Read more about the dangers in the source article


Here"s 10 Ways To Enhance Charisma

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