Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Endless Ideas For Blog Articles

When you Go To Write A Blog Post Do You Need Ideas, Do You Get Writers Block?

It’s a simple question – What should I write about?

Well I’ve found a solution for you and I’m going to get Charlie To give you 3 ways to solve your problem of coming up with blog post Ideas.

Blog Article Ideas

The good news is that you don’t need to learn 45 ways to create article ideas. These three may be all you need to generate endless article ideas to ramp up your content marketing plan.

METHOD 1 – Speak from experience

If you have experience in a particular field then you have a great starting point for writing articles. The Internet is all about one thing – information – and you have it.

When you share that information on a blog or in a newsletter people will read it, like it and visit the sites you promote.

This is called building trust, and it’s a vital step in online marketing. It’s a step that many overlook, which could be one reason 99% of affiliates fail to make any money at all.

Speaking from experience is best for “how to” and “what to avoid” articles.

Here are three article titles that fit this idea.

  • Three dangerous mistakes to avoid when camping

  • How to stay safe on your next cruise

  • How to add 10 yards to your drive today

Whether your life experience including cooking fabulous meals or brokering peace summits between nations doesn’t really matter.

What matters is that there is someone online right now who needs what you know, and they are searching. They want to hear from you! When you become the source of information they get to know you, like you and trust you. And then they will buy from you.

METHOD 2 – Share Your Research

Don’t want to write from your own experience or think your experience doesn’t make good article material?

No problem!

You can share what you have learned by doing research.

The good news here is that you don’t have to be a librarian or hard-core researcher to do this. If you know how to use Google and are curious you have what it takes to create endless article ideas by doing a little research.

Here are two ideas that make great article material, and topics you can research in only a few hours. In those few hours you could easily come up with hundreds of article ideas.

Definitions make great article material.

For many people working on the Internet is like landing on Mars. They don’t know the terrain and certainly don’t know the language. When your articles take the confusion away and stop the information overload they will remember your name.

The first step to earning loyalty will have begun!

This is why an article (or series of articles) about what things mean is a great idea.

Defining terms like HTML or ROI or PPC or PPV is easy to do and super-helpful to the reader.

Another idea is sharing answers to Frequenly Asked Questions. This is also easy resarch to do. You probably have had many questions answered yourself, and that’s a good place to start.

Or you could visit almost any forum and find lots of questions being asked. Never copy from a site directly but there’s nothing wrong with taking inspiration from answers you find helpful. And always make sure the answers you share are accurate.

METHOD 3 – Solve A Specific Problem  –   Go to Charlie’s blog to read more


Do you have that idea now for your next blog post?

Do you have other ways to come up with things to write about ?

Leave a comment and let us know more ways

Endless Ideas For Blog Articles

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