Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Magic In The Word "Yes"

Building Yes Momentum Is A Tried And True Marketing Technique


Yes Momentum.

Here is a tried and true marketing technique that Charlie has recently brought to my attention anew.

here is an old sales technique from the 1970s that works very well on the Internet. I know because I’m an old salesman from the 1970s! :-)

It’s called building “yes momentum” and it works incredibly well to raise conversions on sales letters, one time offer pages and squeeze pages too.

I want to share with you how it works and how you can begin using it today.

But first, let me ask you three questions.

1. If there was a marketing strategy that you believed with all your heart would work for you would you spend one hour to put it into practice? Not one hour a day – one hour ever.

2. If you could increase sales with your current level of traffic would that have an impact on your bottom line?

3. Do you want to sell more products with less effort starting today?

If you answered yes to all three of these questions (or any of them!) then you just experienced what “yes momentum” is all about.


The idea is simple but highly effective.

The premise is this – if you can get your prospect (be they a visitor to your site or a reader of your ad or article) to say “yes” in their head enough times then when the time comes for them to decide to buy or not buy the momentum of the “yeses” will carry them through and more of them will buy.

This method works. I use it all the time and in almost all of my marketing.

The wonderful thing about it is that you can increase sales without needing more traffic. While many believe that more traffic will increases sales the fact is that many people are getting the traffic they need now but not converting that traffic into sales.

I”m all for getting more traffic but I’m just as interested in converting as many visitors into customers as possible.

This technique will help do that.

Let’s look at where you can use it  ***  Read More  ***

How Many Yeses Have You Gotten Today?

Your Success May Depend on it.

Comments anyone?

The Magic In The Word "Yes"

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