Friday, July 4, 2014

Try These 5 Things

Do You Know How Refreshing It Is To Try Something Different?

Shake up your routine. Go for that higher level of purpose.Or just plain get better results.

Here are 5 things you could try.

5 things to try this month



Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, describes a mastermind group as “A friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage one to follow through with both plan and purpose.” If you don’t have a mastermind group that you can join, go ahead and just start one! For advice on how to do so, click the following link: 4 PARTS TO BEAUTIFULLY SIMPLE MASTERMIND MEETINGS.



Really challenge yourself to read a business book from cover to cover this month. Set a timer on your phone and get in at least 15 minutes a day and you will be surprised at how quickly you will go through a book. Successful people read for their personal development constantly – some of the top successful people read an average of two books a week! If they can make the time, then so can we. If you need help building this reading habit, find an accountability partner and check in with each other every day to see if each of you read 15 minutes and share something that you learned.



How we start our morning has a huge impact on how we feel, think, and act throughout the rest of our day. Take charge on how you launch into your day by having a high energy, positivity-packed morning ritual. You can decide what would work best for you, but to help you get started, here’s a sample scenario of how you can craft the first hour of your day:

20 minutes: Yoga // 20 minutes: Reading for personal development // 20 minutes: Reflect on your goals and review your plan for the day.



As we build our business, getting new clients is always exciting. However, not every person with whom we come in contact is always going to be a good fit for what we do and can end up costing us in ways that become unhealthy and unrealistic for business. If your business is full of ideal customers, hurray! But if your time and energy is being consumed unfairly, take a closer look at how you can restructure your agreement with costly clients or get brave and let them know that it’s not working out.



Podcasts are an unbelievably helpful resource that allow us to listen to people who are living with excellence and “in the trenches” so to speak. Check out the podcast selection in iTunes and subscribe to one that will help you in your entrepreneurial journey. Are you currently an avid business podcast fan? Please share your favorite ones with us in the comments. :)

So what do you think of these tips? Can you see yourself putting them into action?

Let us know in the comments and have an awesome July!   Source

Try These 5 Things

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