Monday, July 7, 2014

Want To Make More Money Each Day?

Here Is One Way To Do Just That

Did you know that it really is  possible to work less and actually make more money?

Melanie can show you how she does it:

Melanie Duncan


It’s not just a catchy slogan, it’s a system that successful people use to prioritize their projects and get bigger results from the time that they invest while working.

We have got to stop the glorification of busy in our society!

It takes no talent to fill a day with things to do, but incredible skills to only work on the projects that will provide us with BIG WINS in our businesses.

I do a simple exercise each day to help me to stay focused and on point, and today I’d like to share it with you.

It’s actually quite simple…

I print out the chart that you see below and set a timer on my phone to go off every 2 hours to remind me to record what I’ve been working on.

Screen Shot 2014-03-16 at 3.38.27 PM


$10 activities are things like answering random customer service emails about lost passwords, or taking something to the post office to ship.

$100 are more like updating my Facebook page, or doing an interview with someone.

$1,000 activities are writing emails or working on a sales page.

$10,000 activities are higher level things that really make a difference like business strategy, hiring key players for my team, and creating new blockbuster products & trainings.

At the end of each day I total up the hours that I’ve spent in each column, multiple them by their rate and then add it all together to see how much value I produced for my business that day.

This helps me measure whether I am on the right track,   ** Read More **

I Hope This Make Sense For Those Of You Who Want To Work Less And Make More.



Want To Make More Money Each Day?

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