Thursday, July 10, 2014

OH - To Have A Great Life

Did You Know Mindset Was Is The Secret To A Great Life?

And a great mindset is the realm of personal development. One of my great mentors in life  is Zig Ziglar and here is one of his famous quotes:


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“You don’t have to be great to start, you have to start to be great.” — Zig Ziglar

Now my good friend Charlie Page is also a Zig fan and he graciously share what Zig has taught him:

“Five Life Changing Lessons From Zig Ziglar

When I looked back I saw this:

  • Seven major goals accomplished. These had been on my “wish” list for over 4 years.

  • A more balanced life. My personal, business and family life are more in balance. Not perfect, but better.

  • My team is improving. Since teaching my team the goal setting aspect of Zig’s philosophy I have seen their performance improve.

  • The big one for me – more self confidence. I feel like there is nothing I can’t get done, if I break it into small steps, and I have not always felt that way.

While thinking this through, I made a few notes about the five life changing things I learned from Zig Ziglar.

Although they are a little personal, I share them here openly in hopes they help you as well.

Motivation is like bathing – it’s best done every day

I’ve been a salesman all my business life. A commission-only salesman at that. What that means is simple; if I didn’t make a sale we didn’t eat food.

Being in sales is fun, and weird. You have to get yourself motivated to make sales calls, knowing that you are going to face boatloads of rejection.

I sometimes wonder why any sane person would chose the profession of selling. But I did, and I became good at it, in part because I could stay motivated.

What I learned about motivation from Zig is this – if you start every day with a positive message your life becomes easier.

This is not pie in the sky, rah-rah stuff. This is simply acknowledging your strengths and opportunities as well as your weaknesses.

Somehow we are programmed to be very aware of our weaknesses and overlook our strengths. I’m not sure where this comes from, but am sure it’s damaging.

We get a million negative messages from the world we live in.

A time of daily motivation balances the scales.

Self talk matters – and we all do it

Do you talk to yourself? Of course you do. We all do. We do it in traffic, in the shower, when we drop something, when we run late.

The odd thing is this; for most people our self talk runs to the negative.

Any of these sound familiar?

  • I’m always late for meetings.

  • I was never good at math.

  • always say the wrong thing at the wrong time.

  • This is as good as it gets for me. Things won’t get better.

  • It’s too late for me to accomplish my dreams.

What Zig taught me about self talk can be summed up in three statements.

  1. We all talk to ourselves. It’s normal.

  2. Our self-talk runs negative if we don’t proactively change it.

  3. Changing your self talk can be done easily by using Zig’s self talk card.

Using Zig’s self talk card is one of the hardest habits I have ever had to form. But it is also one of the most profitable.

Imagine starting every day honestly feeling positive about at least some of the attributes you possess, while realistically understanding that there is room for improvement in us all.

You can get Zig’s self talk card free by clicking here.

A written goals program is a must

Read More at the source


Have A Great Zig Day

OH - To Have A Great Life

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