Monday, July 14, 2014

You Too Can Stand Out Above The Crowd

Let’s Reveal The Secrets That Will Allow You To Stand Out

Face it, in business the person who stands out from the crowd, in a good way, will be the one with the most success.

So how do you transform yourself from average to that person looked up to?

I’ll let Michael Hyatt give you his secret:

Stand Out From The Crowd

In the chatter of a market filled with messengers, you and I mustn’t give way to the tug of impersonation. Your message is too important for that. Instead, we must commit to authentic representation. You—you!—have too much to offer.

Want to stand out? Here’s the three-part secret:

  1. Know who you are. This is no small task. It requires time, energy, and courage to connect with who you are at your core—your dreams, personality traits, talents and passions. It requires hanging out in the quiet spaces, outside the noise of the market, to connect with the less-than-public, less-than-packaged you.

    Try this: Shut down the laptop. Power off the phone. Ignore your email and analytics and social media accounts for a day. In its place, take inventory of who you are and write it down. Honor yourself and your message enough to become well acquainted with both. Only then can you expertly deliver it to the world.

  2. Know who you are not. Earlier this week I listened to an interview with Dr. Henry Cloud. He was discussing his book, Boundaries For Leaders, and in the course of conversation he said words I will not soon forget: “The first thing you need to know is who you are not. Be not conformed.”

    Although I may co-host Michael’s podcast, I am not him. I am not a technology wizard (this fact cannot be overstated). I am not a once-a-day blogger or web theme designer. And my writing style will always be far more narrative than how-to. But my differences don’t make me less-than. They make me me. Which leads me to the third aspect of the secret.…

  3. Believe you are enough. When working in a world with such talent and opportunity, it’s easy to focus on what we lack. Like you, there are moments I wish I had different gifts and talents. But to standout, you and I need to spend less time wishing we were different and more time believing we have just what it takes. It is the quirky, unique, and uncommon that makes both a product and person stand out.

Don’t dishonor the uniqueness of you. You’re far too valuable than that. Instead, deliver the one product absolutely no one else can replicate.


Question: What would be possible for you and your message if you focused on authentic representation instead of impersonation?

Read the full article here

How do you stand out above the crowd?

Inspire us with your comment.

You Too Can Stand Out Above The Crowd

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