Sunday, July 20, 2014

Your Worth It - Stop Discounting Your Prices

Here Is A Common Problem – Not Enough Work Or Sales Coming In

The temptation is to give your customer a discount to entice them to take immediate action. It’s a tactic that sorta works in the short term, but long term I believe competing on price and not learning how to market effectively is the #1 reason so many go out of business.


There is another way and this article by Claire Mitchell might just give you some insights to improve your business.

You’re Worth it! (How To Stop Discounting Your Prices!)

When business isn’t coming in as quickly as you’d like or you’re feeling the heat of the competition, it’s really tempting to think ‘I’ll just slash my prices and get more customers’

The thing is that this is a vicious circle.

Once you start discounting it’s hard to stop.

You’re setting an expectation with your clients and devaluing your products and services. Before you know it, your full price doesn’t exist any more, you’re attracting all the wrong customers who are looking for ‘cheap’ and even you don’t believe it’s worth it.

Instead of discounting, think of ways to add value, through impeccable customer service, being really tailored to one particular client type, offering outstanding quality or giving ‘add ons’ rather than reducing the price.

Believe in your products & services, believe in your pricing, let other discount and attract ‘cheap’ customers. Hold your head high and stick by your prices.
For More Great Tips Go To Clairs Website

Just Remember – You’re Worth It

Your Worth It - Stop Discounting Your Prices

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