Saturday, July 19, 2014

The One Thing You Can Do?

This Is The Focusing Question Gary Keller Insists Will Takes You To Uncommon Answers

” What Is The One Thing I Can Do Such That By Doing It Everything Else Will Be Easier Or Unnecessary?” — Gary Keller

What   .

Anyone who dreams of an uncommon life eventually discovers there is no choice but to seek an uncommon approach to living it. The focusing question is that uncommon approach. In the world of no instructions, it becomes the simple formula for finding exceptional answers that lead to extraordinary results.

“What is the ONE Thing I can do

Such that by doing it

everything else will be easier or


In the big picture you are asking what is my one thing? In the small picture you are asking what is my one thing right now?

This question is both your map for the big picture and a compass for your next move.

Extra ordinary results are rarely happenstance. They come from the choices we make and the actions we take. The Focusing Question always aims you at the absolute best of both by focusing you to do what is essential to success. Make the best decision. But not just any decision. It drives you to make the best decision. It ignores what is doable and drills down to what is necessary, to what matters. It leads you to the first domino. To stay on track for the best possible day, month, or year ar even career, you must keep asking the focusing question. Ask it again and again, and it focuses you to line up the tasks in their leveled order of importance. then, each time you ask it, you see your next priority. The power of this approach in than you’re setting yourself up to accomplish one task on top of another. When you do the right task first, you also build the right mindset first, the right skill first, and the right relationship first. Powered by th Focusing Question, your actions become a natural progression of building one right thing on top of the previous right thing. when this happens, you’re in position to experience the power of the domino effect.

Whether you seek answers big or small. asking the Focusing Question is the ultimate success habit for your life.

The One Thing You Can Do?

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