Friday, July 18, 2014

The Pendulum Is Swinging - Old Style Marketing Sales Funnels Are Dead

Today’s Consumers – The Younger Generation Make Buying Decisions In A Totally Different Way

As a marketer, especially in thin fast paced mobile communications world, have to stay in tune with the segments of society you are trying to reach.

The old sales funnel approach isn’t working as well as it once did. The old, get them to optin, sales page and follow up sale messages don’t seam to get the conversion rates they did 5 years ago.

Today’s consumers, especially the younger ones have grown up in a social media environment, with mobile devices galore. Information is instantly available to them and to ones providing the best info, who come across as true experts, who develop trust and their authority are getting the most sales.

Here is a Ted Talk Where Michael Drew talks about this pendulum swing witch probably is affecting your business today:



What Can You Do To Take Advantage Of This Swing In Marketing Know How?

The Pendulum Is Swinging - Old Style Marketing Sales Funnels Are Dead

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