Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Use Google Analytics Audience Data And Improve Your Marketing

Google Analytics Can Be Intimidating – There’s A Lot There

If your like me, I don’t know what all that data that is available in analytics really means.

There is one tab in the left column of analytics called audience and the subtopics under this tab can tell you a lot about your traffic.

So read this article, learn more about the Audience reports, get to know more about your website visitors, understand the demographics, behaviors and interests of your website visitors improves your online marketing.

In this article Kristi will share what data is found in the Google Analytics’ Audience section and how it can apply to your online marketing strategy.

Google Analytics Audience Feature


Note: One way to get the most out of any Google Analytics data is to set up conversion goals. If you haven’t done this already, set up the easiest goal type by reviewing the first point under the Google Analytics Admin header in this Google Analytics Basics post.

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The Audience Reports

There are nine separate reporting sections under Audience in your website’s Google Analytics profile.

With the exception of Overview and Users Flow, each section includes an easy-to-read sessions graph and table chart showing the acquisition, behavior and conversions data for each group.

For an in depth look at each subheading Click Here to see the multitude of images on the source site.


What did you think?

I know I’ll be taking a deeper look into my audience data from now on.

How about You?


Use Google Analytics Audience Data And Improve Your Marketing

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